Helpful Resources

COSINE (College of Science Instructional Nightly Enrichment)

Free tutoring program for college of science students for first year courses. COSINE usually takes place from 6-9pm Monday-Thursday in Shreve hall.

WISP tutoring

Free homework help is provided in 100-200 level science and math courses from 8-10pm EST. Monday-Thursday. Last semester, WISP continued via virtual tutoring so it is expected that this resource will be available in Fall 2020.

SI Sessions

SI sessions and office hours will be fully online for the Fall 2020 semester. The Supplemental instruction program is a study group that meets weekly for your course and is led by an undergraduate student who has taken the course before and done well.

Office Hours

Office hours are a group opportunity to get questions answered directly by your professor or one of your TA’s. These are great resources, do not be afraid to use them!

Purdue CCO

CCO provides many helpful resources regarding employment and internship opportunities. You can get help like resume reviews, interview seminars, etc. and apply for positions easily to CCO’s partner corporations.

NSO Slides

Click the text above to view the PDF form of NSO presentation.

Major Specific Resources


Biology Resource Center


Chemistry Resouce Center

Computer Science


USB stands for undergraduate student board for Computer Science. USB helps students via help rooms, student wiki, etc.


Math Help Room


Physics Help Center