Purdue Science Student Council
Serving the College of Science at Purdue University
Applications are open now!
Interested in joining PSSC? Click the button below to go to the application!
Applications are due February 23rd!
Please contact purduesciencecouncil@gmail.com if you have any questions.
About Us

PSSC provides academically-oriented events to the students of the College of Science, promotes professional growth amongst College of Science students, acts as a liaison between students and administration from both the College of Science and the University, and fosters close relationships among students, faculty, and alumni to further benefit the College of Science and its students.
Snack & Chat

Every semester, PSSC hosts a Snack & Chat event for students in the College of Science to meet with their professors in a casual setting where you can both discuss academia and future opportunities while enjoying your favorite snacks!
College of Science Career Fair

The College of Science Career Fair hosted by PSSC aims to connect College of
Science students with leading employers in various industries.
Come and network with employers to find internships and full-time positions in your field!
Outstanding Teacher Award

The annual College of Science Outstanding Teacher Award is awarded to a professor or lecturer who has shown excellence in teaching through a passion for their field, for the advancement of knowledge, and for the academic growth of their students. Each year students vote for whom they believe is most deserving of the award.